
etched frame

yes...more etching. I can't help it...if you are glass and in my  house, chances are that you will become etched.
and don't you worry anonymous...no rude sayings here...

this is from my most favoritest wall......

it's one of my most favortiest sayings...

but decided to give it a revamp...

placed the stickers on the glass and added the etching cream (for step by step click HERE..BEWARE though..you might get offended-- I have some very rude sayings!)

I then wanted to change my font (only cause I downloaded a bigillion (real word) and wanted to use them!
this font made it all spread out....so I cut them up and reaaranged them so they all fit...

then I took some green paper (that I didn't have enough of)
and sliced it up and taped it around the paper. (this is my old saying you are seeing)

you can see my roots...and wings...very subtle but i love it.

etching is entireley the worst thing to get a photo of!.

and yes, this is possible the best picture I could get..
a. my bedroom is in the basement
and b. the sun hasn't come out since 2010 in idaho.

p.s you should google etched glass..loads of awesome stuff

and how awesome is THIS project

and I regret to inform you...I can not find the link to this said awesome project....so please...if this belongs to you....or you remember where you saw it...let me know so I can link it up and give all the glorious praise to them!


  1. <3 <3 <3 This.
    I'm searching for clear square glass coasters I might be able to etch!

  2. I just want to thank your for your etching posts. I just bought a Cricut last week and can't wait to try etching with it! I obviously have no idea what all that little machine can do!

  3. I LOVE the new framed quote! It's so fun! PS - I don't think your sayings were rude. I do think it's sad when people completely lack a sense of humor. How boring their life must be.

  4. It came out great. You are not rude at all btw!

  5. I love this. And I love the 'rude' ones, too. That's how I roll.

  6. I love your etchings... Gal up the road etched the bottoms of all her windows in her house. It looks so cool..
    ta ta for now fromIowa

  7. you know you can etch your corningware stuff too (you know, the white casserole dish things) - just in case you run out of glass.....

  8. I LOVE this frame idea! Ur glassware etchings are so funny! I started following you because you are so sassy and craftly talented! So don't let anyone get u down! They are probably just jealous that they aren't as crafty or sassy as you, and just want to hate! I say if you can't say something nice then they should go glue their mouths shut! lol! Happy Crafting!


  9. Wouldn't it be great to do a personalized Grandma frame?

    I wish I had your brain...

  10. I was at Joann's today armed with my 40% off coupon ready to buy some etching cream because I NEED to etch now that I have 1) a silhouette and 2) your creative glass etching posts. BUT they didn't have it. Boo. Where did you get your etch cream?

  11. so cute! love your fonts, which ones did you use?


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.