

I got this humdinger at the di (thrift store) for 2 bones. I loved two things about it....it would be easy to recover and PADDING.  This is going to be my craft chair...and let's face it...my butt will sit alot on it. so the padding is a must!

that was a year ago...

and the ugly sports chair sat. and I sat...on it...and ignored the ugly..

and then I went to Joanns...now mind you..I had not been to Joanns for 3 WEEKS! that's a new record. I usually go three times a week (twice so far this week...but the week is still young) So I walked in...and {almost} cried tears of joy. the fabric was so beautiful and calling my name.

and I went to the home decor fabric (which I usually by pass cause A. it's in the back of the store
and B. I don't do a lot of home decor. and I saw about 20 fabrics I LOVED! (50% off mind you) so I narrowed it down to two....

with plans to go back every day to buy a new one
(you know...you don't feel so bad spending $5 every day but you do feel bad when you drop $25 in one visit (which is why I go thrice a week)

anyways...I loved both...knew they would be perfect on my uggo chair...

and my daughter told me green was the way to go...so green it is!

unscrew it from chair and ripped off the sports fabric..

and found this...better but not best.

I laid out my fabric and cut it to size....then took a white old sheet and cut another square (kinda like lining)

laid my cushion in the middle

and HOT GLUED it (my staple gun is broken...and hot glue seemed like the OBVIOUS choice!

I do the middle...then the middle across from it...and then the other two sides..then just worked my way out.

I folded the corners kinda like a present...just made sure they were as flat as possible.

then I screwed it back on to the frame!

and TA DA...

SOOOO MUCH better!

Looks great....would probably look better if I didn't have a constant mass mess on my desk!
and i had to take all these pictures cause I love it so!

my butt print will be indented into it soon~


  1. I think it is adorable! You did such a fabulous job. Love it!

  2. That is pretty darn cute. Love the fabric choice.

  3. That's just beautiful - great choice of fabric!!!! :)

  4. Awesome green! and so spring inspiring. Will be wonderful with the loads of snow being dumped everywhere this year!

  5. I love the green. That's the one I would have picked too!!!

  6. My buns rest on lime green and blue happiness. Posted this last week! Mega love!

  7. I have the same chair, x3 - yours is cuter - - so of course, I've just added to my to-do list....

  8. I love it!!! and green is my favorite color!!! :)

  9. You did a tiggeriffic job~! I love green ~~~oh and the mess on your desk? You can't get organized until you make a mess ~ so don't get organized and you can have the mess.. lol
    ta ta for now from Iowa

  10. It's great and love the fabric choice...(it's the one I'd choose).
    Fabricland (Canada's Joannes) but only went 2X this week (my stash needs a sewing intervention!). Found great stuff for my scripture case...maybe tonight it'll get done :o)

  11. Holy.Crap. that looks like a totally different chair! Awesome!

  12. Love your fabric choice! So fun. What a change a little fabric can make!

  13. As if I needed more motivation to recover my dining room chairs......*shakes fist*

    but seriously the chair looks incredible. the fabric is yummilicious (is that a word?).

  14. Yep. That chair is SUPER cute. Like majorly cute. I LOVE IT. If it is missing.....I totally don't know who has it. And don't try to track me down. I'm sneaky!

  15. That fabric is SO pretty!! And you gotta love a cheap improvement!!!


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.