
easy christmas craft

remember my advent calendar? (if you don't click HERE) One of our activities is a christmas craft...and here it is! (believe...nothing fantabolous...just something fun and inexpensive that all 3 of my kids can do!)

beaded candy canes:

Supplies: beads and pipe cleaners...
take the pipe cleaner and make the general candy cane shape
kink the end to keep the beads on..

put beads on....

once you have got all your beads on...kink other end to keep beads on..
and then you...oh wait. That's it. Your done. (told you it  was easy!)
We stuck our little creations on our christmas tree


  1. This is adorable, I remember making these back in the day, I gave you an award today, stop by to accept when you have a chance:

  2. This would be fun to do with my niece!

  3. My daughter will love this, especially if we hang them on the tree! Thanks!

  4. These are so cool - very clever

  5. Great for fine motor for children. Age appropriate for the beads tho. 4+.
    Thank you. Wendy 2020

  6. These are so adorable. I'm going to make them to hang on my Christmas tree instead of the actual candy canes you would normally hang on the tree each year, since I was given my moms heirloom Christmas ornaments I don't want them to get broken when someone tries to get a candy cane off the tree, making these will prevent my precious ornaments from getting broken.


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.