
snowman in a hat

finally we got some snow....not too excited for it...but i have to admit, it looks BEAUTIFUL!  Perfect
Time to make
a snowman in a hat....
step 1. buy hat (I got this hat at a party store...for about $4.)
step 2. have a photo shoot with hat

That is supposed to be a stach..I was channelling charlie Chaplin

step 3. buy scarf (dollar store!)

step 4. get some rocks from the yard.

step 5. spray paint black

step 6. Get some smaller rocks

Step 7. spray paint those black

step 8. get some buttons (party store for like 15 cents)

step 9. get a fake carrot (dollar store in the bin of fake fruit and fake rolls...couldn't believe my luck when I pulled out a carrot!)

step 10. put all items into hat.

step 11. wrap up

(cellophane...purchased at the dollar store!)

step 12. make tag

(I used some snowman wrapping paper...)
now..you could throw in some sticks...but I knew that they would probably get used as swords around here...so I selectively omitted it...

step 13. tie on tag

step 14. give to somebody you love!

these would make great little gifts to give to your neighbors and friends!


  1. haha so cute!!!! I'm jealous, no snow here yet! =(....so enjoy yours for me =D

  2. So stealing this great idea! Thank you for sharing it!

  3. Fantastic idea! i love it when you put bits and pieces in a bag and wrap it up nicely and give a gift that somebody can actually DO something with. Thanks for sharing!

  4. What a cute idea! This would make a great gift for my inlaws who live in Utah, and it would be a fun white elephant around here because I live in Florida! :)

  5. love it!! what a funtastic gift idea!!

  6. I LOOOVE this idea!!!! You are so creative! THanks for posting over at Skip to my Lou! That is how I found you! Keep it up!

  7. Okay, you have posted some great stuff recently but this? This is adorable! Thanks for sharing! Gotta go find a hat. :)

  8. cute cute cute! how fun, too bad we dont get snow here, i gave you an award on my blog today

  9. This is simply amazing! I love it! You have had such great posts lately and I am loving them. Thanks for the many great ideas!

  10. What a neat idea for a 'secret snow fairy' to give to that neighbour who is really a nutjob but has the cutest kids and a really nice wife. (he makes the hoarder neighbour seem like a better bet).
    Now if the snow would stop long enough to get sticky for snowman making.

  11. What a wonderful idea, I can't wait to try it, when it warms up here.

  12. Having a great appreciation for your craftiness I am inspired to try this the next time it snows here in North Florida.

  13. Love love love this fantabulous idea. Now if only my dollar store is as full of great finds as yours was???

  14. What a GREAT idea!!! :) Thanks for linking!

  15. Brilliant!! I simply LOVE it.

  16. I wished I still lived up north. These would sooo be on my to do list.


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