
shout outs

ana white
is this not the cutest darn thing EVER! love it so much...and it looks like such a great easy project!

Love this recycle dress by I am Momma hear me roar...(you sick of hearing about her yet? if you haven't added her to your regular reads yet...DO IT!)

love this book page necklace.

love this apple green chandelier!

This takes using up your scraps to a whole new level!!!!

love this football for the babe. My husband would LOVE THIS!

My sister is the one who found this awesome tutorial for these tiered skirts (these are hers pictured!) It also has a fabric measurement chart..You just plug in the info and it tells you exactly how much fabric to buy! BRILLIANT!

How about these awesome bean bags

 front and back view

and How amazing are these letters?

these are turned into...

at seven one six (it's a cookie monster themed nursery in case you were wondering!)


  1. Hey! Thank you so much for featuring me! I got a comment from one of your readers or I would have had no idea! I've become a new follower :)

  2. Thanks for the feature! I'm glad to learn about your great blog.

  3. Love, love, loooove all the new crafty people to follow :) Thank you!

  4. I just saw some candy corns on my friends blog and it made me think of you ... they were in "creative" color order too!

  5. Thanks so much for sharing my necklace! I feel so honored to be featured with these other lovelies!! Have a great night! :]


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.