
Past Halloweens!!!!!

We don't dress up every year....sometimes we feel the itch...sometimes we can do without. I thought I would give you a rundown of some of our past halloween costumes (and parties!)

 I do love halloween! I could probably spend tons of money on this holiday!

i know I have posted about this before. but my husband is just so pretty. I'm kinda jealous!

my husband and his uncles....Yes, they are just going to LOVE that I posted this!

My first daughter's 2nd halloween....My  second daughter will be wearing this for  halloween this year.....
 Got to love the recycled costumes!

My sister in law and mother in law....

My favoritest of halloween costumes....

the witch, the basketball player and the referee.

oh, and my son's first costume. we should have named him spalding.

I painted this cardboard box for one of our family's halloween party....

our daughter...

this is me and the hubby.

 some of my husband's family....I thought their costumes were awesome!

My kids through the years.....

she hated the ariel costume I made....."You can see my feet!" I think she wanted fins and then us to carry her around everywhere!

one of the diamond castle girls...I can never remember which one! (so glad I spent money on a dress that quickly got covered by a coat!)

Last year we were all super heros
I was wonder wife, holding super baby, in the middle was cat girl, spider man and the main man is Captain Inappropriate....with a fart noise maker. His cape is still hanging on the wall in his MAN room.

hope you all have/had a HAPPY HALLOOOOOOWEEEEENNNNNN! (that is supposed to represent scary talk...)


  1. Love Love LOVE!!!!! your son's first costume. Adorable.

  2. lol, thanks for sharing - love all the costumes xx

  3. Adorable times ten! I love all of it especially the basketball tummy! Too cute!

  4. so cute! the basketball belly totally cracked me up!


  5. Because we think you're so awesome....
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  6. Love these costumes, you guys seem like you have a lot of fun on Halloween!
    I am your newest follower!


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