
halloween shirt

remember how I'm cheap...remember how I talk about it alot? okay. well I'm cheap. and I won't buy a holiday shirt cause I won't waste money on it for them to outgrow it in a year? remember how I have already talked about this? oh. well if not click HERE.

and now it's time for the halloween version.....

cut this out of felt...hot glued a ribbon across

and made a ribbon bow and hot glued a spider onto it.

I just pin it on the shirt

those yellow polka dots are pins.

and I baste it on. two snips and it comes right off.

the shirt two years ago.
the shirt now:


  1. love it! i am the same way...love making special holliday shirts that are unique. my kiddos love it!

  2. I think that is a totally brilliant and fun idea!

  3. I love this idea! I have my cheap moments too!

  4. Oh wow that is a fantastic Idea!!

  5. that shirts is A.DOR.A.BLE!!!

    i'm a new follower, hope you'll follow me back. tryin to get my name out there as a new blogger. thanks!

    happy saturday! (:

  6. what a great idea! thanks for the hint-just bought a new white shirt to make my daughter a Halloween shirt but then decided I wanted to save the new one to wear everyday-now I can do it!

  7. These are great! Even though I have a degree in fashion design, I'm kinda cheap too, when it comes to Halloween...why spend $80 on something they'll only wear once, maybe twice?
    Kristina J.

  8. Kimbo - Love this idea! What a way to repurpose. The felt hat is adorable! I'll be featuring this today - stop by and grab a featured button if you like. Thanks so much for linking to the Sunday Showcase - I greatly appreciate it. Hope you have a wonderful week! ~ Stephanie Lynn

  9. That is so cute!! What a great idea. Can't wait to try it! Thanks for the tip!


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