
EYE see you.

I had a bunch of circles.....
leftover from bubbles that used to be all over my bathroom walls.....

Turned them into some semi scary halloween magnets
 step by step progress: paint white

take a little black on your brush and while the white paint is still wet you just go around the edges and smear it in....

(you can add more white if you got a little heavy handed with the black)

 add a blue (or green or whatever color you so desire) circle
pupil time...black circle.

now turn the paint brush around and dip it in the white.
Make a dot and drag it.

after paint completely dries...I take a fine point sharpie and draw in the red squiggles.

added a magnet
(with hot glue)

and had them hold all my lists:

also attached some to wire and topped off a wooden board.

or you could just tape it to your son's head

or you can glue a pin to the back....

and have yourself a brooch....that is an old person word...what's the hip thing to say for a brooch?
yeah...i wouldn't call an eye ball pin a "brooch"

I also thought that large ones could be used as coasters......

see...a little creepy!


  1. super cute!
    I made a sign for our door using left over scrap book paper - mine look more like alien eyes :)


  2. Creative, Creative,Creative! I love them!

  3. Ha,ha I love the picture looking though the cup. It is kinda creepy!

  4. omgosh everything you used were such great ideas. :) Funny and creative. Your lists made me laugh. lol I agree about the word brooch.. granny word.. someone needs to think of a new word for it. I think my fav way you used these were as the coasters, love how they looked at the bottom of the glass. :) Brilliant. :) Thanks for the share.

  5. So cute! I love the one on your son's head:)

  6. What a great way to reuse something you already had around the house. Those are really fun!


  7. I LOVE this, especially on your child's head.

  8. I like them in all your variations.

  9. Well how fun are those! What a great idea. Love it.

  10. How creative!!! Love them. You are very creative.
    love them

  11. Oh, sweet! I love these eyeballs. Thanks so much fro sharing your awesome tutorial. I think the coaster is my favorite, too, although I like the one on the forehead. Too cute!

  12. CUTE! What totally fun ideas. I love the magnets, oh and the coasters are SO much fun! LOVE it!

  13. oh, and thanks for linking to Topsy Turvy Tuesday's


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