
Checkbook Covers

Honestly, who even uses checks anymore? I have 3 bills a month that require checks. But that doesn't mean I can't have the cutest checkbook cover around!

My old checkbook
I went though this fun foam stage and most everything got decorated with it!!!!

I measured by using the checkbook


Make sure you cut a piece big enough

You'll need two pieces
sew them right sides together and then turn it right side out and sew around the seam.

you'll want to add your embellishments before you sew on your pockets

Just a loose stitch up the middle and pulled the string to gather into a ruffle.

I attached these pockets (pre ironed with flaps down to make it easier)
notice the sweater. Idaho is freezing me out!

I just place my whole checkbook in there. If  you didn't want to do that...you will need to add interfacing between the two layers to make it a little more sturdy.
pretty flower checks...my husband loves them.

the back view

and I might have accidently made one that was too small.
(what? nobody's perfect!~)

so I added a flap with velcro
going to use it to hold my coupons.
yes, that's a jo-anns coupon...surprised I haven't used it yet!


  1. I really need to make one of these... I want my checkbook to look cute sitting on my desk :)

  2. So cute! That seems easy enought that I could make a few so they would match whatever purse I was carrying at the time!!

  3. I love this. I would like that it was a small enough project that I might even have time to finish it. LOL

  4. Cute. But your account number is at the bottom of your check...you may want to doctor your picture a bit.

  5. Freezing in idaho? Its like 90 degrees! Cute cdover.

  6. GORGEOUS! what great colors and love the ruffle! Very nice Makeover! Thanks for linking up to Topsy Turvy Tuesday's.

  7. Just wanted to let you know that I featured this today on my blog!



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