
Award time

thanks to Punk Rock Momma!

Okay, in case you were wondering...or new here. I am actually supposed to be just writing a list of people I want to pass this award on to....

but I am constantly looking around Blogville and finding some ADORABLE and AMAZING and AWESOME (and other letters of the alphabet) projects out there...so I use these awards to remind myself of all these AUSTRONIMCAL Ideas (out of A words.) and to clean out My CRAFTS I LIKE folder of pictures on my computer.
So this is purely sefish of me...but isn't it more fun to see pictures than just a list of people?

Random Thoughts of  A Supermom
I consider myself an artist....and pushing my kids to be artists too (my son wants nothing to do with it...sad) so I love love love everything about this idea. Love.   Love.               Love

(and how true...because my daughter draws (scribbles) something and I think it is the cutest thing ever. and my husband is all...what is it?)
I am loving doilies. So cute and dainty and reminds me of my grandma. (that's a good thing. Orange shag carpet also reminds me of my grandma and that is NOT a good thing)

Painted curtains.......genius. Love it. I think they turned out AMAZING!!!!

love this! Love the color....love the design. love the tray. going to do this and we may never eat at our dinner table again!

fabric fortune cookies. I want a bowl of these sitting on my table (my unused dining room table that is!)

I had an oreo for lunch....so these pizza pinwheels are looking delicious!!!!!

What are the odds of two curtains in this award!!!!
Love the color of these....she made them from a duvet color from IKEA!
Love me Ikea!

fabric drawer liners. omigosh. I immediatly looked around for a drawer to do this too!

love this towel frame holder!

love this playhouse. (out of a sheet I might add) love love lvoe
(which is kinda a given because  if I didn't love it it wouldn't be on here)


  1. Great idea! I'm a visual person so this is a lot more fun to look at. Now my "cool things" file has grown :)

  2. Congrats! Thanks for sharing your "finds!"


  3. Thanks sooo much for the award! I love your blog too and have been a follower for a while :) Good luck in SYTYC :)

  4. Ohhh thanks girl!! This totally made my day! You're awesome and I am obsessed with your blog! I am off to go vote!!


    Meet Virginia!
    Meet Virginia!!
    Meet Virginia!!!

  5. Aww! Thanks, you made my day! The feeling is mutual! I love coming over here and seeing what you and your glue gun have going on!!

  6. thank you thank you for the shout out! :)


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.