
the trendy treehouse award!

Wow! I feel special! This little treat come from these creative juices
To receive this award you have to promise to share this with 10 other BLOGS that you think are Trendy too!
Just post about your award in your blog
List your Top 10 Trendy Blogs
Share with them
Leave a link to the Trendy Blog Button
Tell them they need to give this award out to 10 as well.

1. Brooke at all things thrifty
I'm in love with this room.....
I'm actually in love with all the rooms in her house.

quilts amaze me. I have no desire to do ALL the work that goes into a quilt like this...but I love love love them. (I should try a hot glue quilt!!!)

cute cute cute!Makes me want to throw a birthday party!

That used to be a dora lunch box. My daughter would love this soooo much!!!!

(okay..actually she has already gotten the trendy treehouse award! But I just couldn't stand not showing you this adorable monster party she had!!!
Make your own monster cupcakes!!!!
see? told you they were cute!!!

HOw cute! HOw simple! FORMULA CANS!

(I am currently making these! 100% rip off cause I don't want to change a thing!!!!)

Oh, I get the itch all the time!

Now, don't get me wrong...she's got some awesome crafts! But I love her food posts! They all look so yummy...and fast and easy! my three musts when I am "cooking"

I love me some one stop shopping looking!
I love blogs like this that you can just go and see all the other great craft ideas!!!!

She just showcased this cute floor cushion from 3 punk mom (which is also a TERRIFIC blog!)

Honest....every post is to die for cute! I had such a hard time picking what picture to show!!!

I literally just scrolled down and when it stopped I took the first picture I saw...and how cute is it? Serious. You can't find noncute stuff! I dare you to try!! LOVE IT 


I love these. Really. Need I say more?


  1. You are just a doll! Thanks for the award! Seriously all of those blogs look awesome... I have a bit of stalking to do;)
    Thanks again, really it means a lot!

  2. This is so fun and will most def make my day.

    THANK YOU FOR THE AWARD! (my first one!)

    I LOvE the other blogs that you honored. I can't wait to take a peek at them myself.

    Thanks again Kimbo, seriously, this is way cool!

    - ang

  3. Thanks for the feature girlfriend! I love your blog...so creative!

  4. Thank you so much for the award!! I have a hard time remembering to pass these on, but I appreciate you thinking of me!!

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  6. I love all these ideas! Super cute!

  7. Agree with Angela! I am working on my post. You've made me blush, this was my first award. Congratulations on your awards. You run a super-looking and inspiring blog.


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.